Project Title: EMOCEAN

Sketch link:

One sentence description: an envisioned technology that listens to your unpleasant feelings/thoughts/concerns to help you unload the mental baggage, relieving you from the need to burden your friends and family with these heavy thoughts

Project summary: Have you ever experienced a situation where you shared a problem or a difficult day with a friend, only to find that they couldn't fully grasp why it was so important to you? Such conversations might revolve around a challenging day, an unlucky accident, or simply feeling overwhelmed. While family and friends are invaluable sources of support, there are moments when we hold back from confiding in them, fearing that we might overload them with our trouble. "'Communication' often feels like a dead end" (Speaking into the Air by John Durham Peters) “Emocean” is a combined project for Communications and Technology (conceptually) + Intro to Machine Learning for Arts (technically). I hope this project can serve as a solution for reducing poor-quality communications.

Audience/Context: Who is this for? How will people experience it? Is it interactive? Is it practical? Is it for fun? Is it emotional? Is it to provoke something?

Initially, I do this project for myself because I have negative thoughts and emotions all the time and I want to find a way to deal with them, at least getting rid of them in some way. But, it can also benefit others who need to unload their mental baggages and taking the website as a shared space that dispose emotional trash or handle mental breakdown

Inspiration: How did you become interested in this idea? Quotes, photographs, products, projects, people, music, political events, social ills, etc.

minimalistic style

doodles by @constantbageltherapy




Process: How did you make this? What did you struggle with? What were you able to implement easily and what was difficult? (1).gif



step 1: unload



step 2: crumple - handpose

step 3: dispose - handpose and facemesh

Untitled (1).gif (2).gif (3).gif

Next steps: If you had more time to work on this, what would you do next?